June 3, 2010

someone loves you

Taken by my pops in Paris - 2009

In the last year my dad has taken up "street photography".  This is not what most would think of when they hear street photography - candid photos of people on the street, living their daily lives, being captured in a perfect moment - nope, this is actually photos of the street.  Using his blackberry (the best toy camera one can get their hands on), he has been snapping photos of shapes, shadows, graffiti (above), textures, light and anything else that catches his eye - all on the ground.  His twist on this is that his shoes are in every single picture, whether it's his entire shoe or just a corner of it, they must be in the photo.  The photos are unexpectedly beautiful and show a city in a completely new and different light. 

My entire life my dad has come up with art projects ranging from theater design to life size painted animals to fictitious businesses.  Each project he tells me about gets the same response of confusion and excitement and in the end I'm never disappointed in what he creates.  My dad continues to inspire me and encourage me with any art I do, as he has done since I was old enough to hold a pencil.  I truly owe it to him for giving me a love of creating art and appreciating art, especially some pieces that may be over looked by others.  I'm extremely fortunate to have been raised by such creative people.  It has definitely made me who I am today.  So dad - thank you and here's to the next project!