April 19, 2010

brother moe

Harrison picked up my mom's guitar about two years ago and started to pick up songs just by ear immediately.  He started taking lessons shortly after, and although that helped, he had a natural talent and it was clear that he was going to be great, lessons or not.  After a while, I started to receive phone calls from him - "what blink182 song should I learn?"  "give me another song to figure out!".  Then he'd call me back about an hour later, and play the song perfectly for me over the phone.  To hear my little brother play the songs that I grew up listening to, and in turn, he was forced to listen to, being played over the phone for me was an indescribable feeling.

Last September, Harry created a YouTube channel playing covers of songs that his friends and (nagging) sisters requested.  With every song he recorded, I was more amazed and continued to ask myself how this was my little brother.  For Christmas, he recorded a nine song cover CD to give as gifts.  We all hung on to each song as it played and I don't think there was a dry eye in the room while we listened to the twenty minute CD.  The song above is the first he has written (for his girlfriend, aw!) thus far.  He makes me more proud every day and I still can't believe the amazing voice that comes through my car speakers when I'm playing his CD is that of my little brother,  my little bud growing up, the goofy, sweet little boy I would babysit and care for.

Harry - Keep it up.  You are amazing and you have something really special, a true gift.  I am so unbelievably proud and lucky to be able to say I'm your sister.  I love you, bud!

April 2, 2010

fifty people, one question

Where would you wish to wake up tomorrow?

Fifty People, One Question: Brooklyn from Fifty People, One Question on Vimeo.

I adore the woman with the red baret.

Fifty people, one question is a project I came across a while ago, and really fell in love with.  The videos are pretty self explanatory - fifty different people, one location, one question.  They only have five videos now, but each time I watch one of the videos, a new person or a new answer will stand out to me.  They're all beautiful, but my favorites are the "If you could wake up anywhere" videos in Brooklyn and in London (the boy with the curly hair at the beginning of the London video breaks my heart every single time).

If I could wake up anywhere tomorrow?  I thought about this for quite a while, and I thought about how much I would love to wake up in Boston, one of my favorite cities, or how I'd love to start my day to the sound of the waves and the cool wind while camping on the beach somewhere, or that I'd like to awake somewhere in Europe and see the sights there.  But honestly, after giving it some thought - I would want to wake up in my own bed with Kevin.  Not because I don't long for these other places in the world, or wish to explore other scenery, but because I'm so excited and content to wake up here, in my beautiful little home in LA, with the person I love more than anything and with the people I hold so dearly so close by.  I truly anticipate what each day will bring and what new experiences and opportunities will come my way.  I'm really loving my life, the people that I share my days with and what I'm doing right here, right now.  So if I could wake up anywhere, it would be in my lovely bed, with the warm sun shining in through my window.  Because I really wouldn't want to be anywhere else and miss a moment of this wonderful life I have been so lucky to live.